Background 🔬

For a quite long time, I was using my old web site. I have decided to change my web site to a more modern version. I was looking for the following;

  • Since I use Netlify, I wanted a static web site
  • Easy to update
  • Markdown support

For all my requirements, Gatsby was the best choice for me.

Research 👨‍🔬

I have searched a couple of templates and open-source sites and finally decided on this one. This web site template is created by Aaron Noel De Leon. Huge shout out to him for making it open source.

Implementation 👨🏻‍💻

Since it is structured so nicely, it wasn’t that hard to change and tweak it.

Future 🚀

I am super excited about the new version of this web site. I will hopefully use this part of the web site to write my thoughts from time to time.

That’s it! Happy blogging. Party!

I am actively job-hunting and available
Interested? Feel free to reach